Peer Support Phone Line

Talk with a mate who can relate.

We offer a specialist telephone support service providing the opportunity for male survivors to talk with a peer.

At SAMSN, we understand the value of connection and community and the role they play in recovery and healing. We also understand the barriers that can sometimes get in the way of connecting and finding the most appropriate support. That is why we offer a specialist telephone support service providing the opportunity for male survivors to talk with a peer who has been trained to respond to their peer caller’s needs. This is someone with lived experience who can identify with the issues so often faced by men living with the impacts of child sexual abuse (CSA).  

This is not a crisis helpline but rather, a peer support service for male survivors of CSA. Participants of SAMSN’s Eight-Week Support Groups have told us time and time again about how powerful it is to find connection through peer support. This is important for many men who may be seeking to speak with other survivors who “get it”. While our histories of abuse may be different, all SAMSN’s peer support workers have had first-hand experience of SAMSN’s support services and what it takes to grow stronger than your past.   

Sharing with another survivor already on their path toward recovery and growth can help provide hope and healing.

This is a free and confidential service. The only information you need to provide is a contact number so we can phone you for the appointment. You can provide your name, email address and reason for contacting the service, however, these are optional.

Booking appointments

SAMSN’s Peer Support Phone Line is designed so that you can book your own appointment using the link below.  Alternatively, you can contact one of our Planned Support workers on 1800 472 676 to discuss all your support options, including booking you an appointment with one of your peers.

Appointments are scheduled for up to 45 mins and are available each week on Tuesday and Thursday at 6.15pm or 7.30pm.

Our Peer Support Phone Line bookings are available up to one month in advance. If no times are available, please check back in a day or two.

This is a free and confidential service. The only information you need to provide is a contact number so we can phone you for the appointment. You can provide your name, email address and reason for contacting the service, however, these are optional.

I spoke to one peer support man, I felt better knowing someone understands where I am coming from as a man.


Great to speak to someone who has been in my shoes.


I really appreciated the chance to speak with a survivor about the challenges in my life.


Sheer relief to actually know you’re not the only one but sometimes you feel like you were.


Enjoyed the conversation very much and thank you for all your support from my heart.


Reassuring as we both had very similar lived experiences.


It was refreshing and gave me lots of hope and the ability to debrief/gain some insight with a trusted survivor. I felt less alone and that I was building some new steps to a healthier but more sustainable life.


I just needed that reassurance that life will get better.


Less embarrassing, more natural, more understood, less apologetic, more mutual. A distinguishing aspect in the quality of conversation is in the shared life experience of the peer support person.


I think this is very valuable and beneficial supportive program that has made lives better. It would be crucial and important to keep the program running.


Common reasons for contacting SAMSN

  • Need to talk | Talk with a mate who can relate
  • Trouble in relationships | Professional support and counselling for survivors, family and supporters
  • Feeling isolated | Connection with other survivors
  • Need help dealing with impact like flashbacks | Help to understand the impacts of abuse and tools to assist recovery
  • Dealing with feelings of guilt and shame | Help to understand the impacts of abuse and tools to assist recovery
  • Overwhelmed by debt, work and other life issues | Practical assistance in dealing with housing, victim services and Centrelink
  • Struggles with drugs, alcohol and gambling | Help to understand the impacts of abuse and tools to assist recovery
  • Need practical and emotional support | Links to helpful readings and resources
  • Seeking justice | Help reporting to the police, legal services, seeking national Redress and compensation