SAMSN Survivors & Mates Support Network

Welcome to Australia's leading organisation for male survivors of child sexual abuse

  • Established in 2011, SAMSN is Australia’s leading organisation for male survivors of child sexual abuse and their supporters. Read more about SAMSN’s history here.
  • SAMSN is a not-for-profit charity that evolved through collaboration between survivors and professionals to provide services to male survivors, their families, and supporters.
  • All male survivors of child sexual assault should know that the abuse was not their fault and that healing and recovery is possible.
  • Regardless of his ethnicity, sexual orientation, age or religion, any man, including all expressions of male gender identity, can contact SAMSN for support.
  • Our services for survivors and supporters are FREE.

It has changed everything; my life is not the same, I came here as a broken man with no hope. Today I leave as a ‘Survivor’ not a victim. My family life relationship and all is changing in a positive way.


I had not told anyone for 50 years. I opened up to a friend. She did research and found SAMSN. She got me into their eight-week course. I was so surprised to know I was not alone. It has supported me in many ways. I still attend monthly meetings and I’m so grateful that I found this group. As I was in a very dark place.

Mark B