Eight-Week Support Groups

My life is not the same, I came here as a broken man with no hope. Today I leave as a “Survivor." My family life relationship is changing in a positive way.

Eight-Week facilitated support group for male survivors of childhood sexual abuse

SAMSN runs support groups for men who were sexually assaulted as young boys or adolescents. The groups run for eight weeks and are two hours in length. Any male who was sexually assaulted during his childhood can contact SAMSN about joining one of our groups, and there is no cost to attend.

SAMSN’s groups are conducted within a safe peer-support environment and are facilitated by two experienced professionals. The facilitators create a safe environment for recovery with clear rules and guidelines for the peer-group to ensure appropriate conduct and confidentiality.

How it works

  • Free to join
    These 2 hour sessions are for men who were sexually assaulted as young boys or adolescents. Any male who was sexually assaulted during his childhood can contact SAMSN about joining one of our groups. There is no cost to participants to attend.
  • Resources provided
    The groups are guided by two facilitators and each week various topics and issues commonly faced by male survivors of childhood abuse are discussed. A small number of readings are provided each week to help kick-start the discussion. To help create a safe environment for recovery clear guidelines for the group to ensure appropriate conduct and confidentiality.
  • Continuous support
    Men who complete an Eight-Week Support Group may wish to continue to meet with other survivors at a Drop-In Monthly Meeting, held in a number of locations. They are professionally facilitated by SAMSN staff and are a great opportunity to stay connected to the SAMSN network.

The 8 weeks are divided into two parts:

  • Weeks 1 to 4 – Childhood
    We discuss how sexual abuse can affect a child and examine issues such as family of origin, disclosure and grooming. Once the group is established, you will have the chance to share your personal experience, if you choose, at week 3.
    Please note: This is a closed group and men are not able to join after Week 2.
  • Weeks 5 to 8 – Adulthood
    We look at how sexual abuse can affect men. This includes the way they think about themselves, the emotional impacts, the effects on their relationships, and other ways to support ongoing recovery.

How to join a group

You are welcome to register your interest to attend an Eight-Week Support Group by calling us or submitting the form below.

  • Once you’ve registered, one of our Planned Support team will make contact and provide more detailed information about the registration process and how the groups work.
  • As we limit the number of participants to 12 per group, we often have wait lists. When there is a wait, you will be informed of your position on that list.
  • A facilitator will contact you in the lead up to the start date (usually 2-4 weeks prior) to conduct a telephone assessment to determine your needs, readiness to attend and answer any additional questions you might have.
  • As acceptance is an important feature of our joint recovery, the groups are open to men from different cultural and religious backgrounds and sexual orientation who are over the age of 18 years old. The groups are also open to trans men.

We would like to thank the Federal and NSW Governments for providing funding for this important service.

From the talkative ones to the quiet ones, all equals and all in a safe place. These are my true family. My thanks to SAMSN for replacing what I lost.


A big strength of these groups is that, not only are they professionally facilitated, but they have the additional foundation of authenticity borne from being created and supported by fellow survivors.


I now know that none of what I have been through was my fault. SAMSN is a supportive place where I can return to feeling safe.


I have started to speak about something that I’ve never discussed before. The issues I came in with are still there and I can now more clearly see them. It’s no magic pill just another step in the journey.


I feel more willing to talk to people about being a survivor and in helping others I feel less anxious more able to breathe and feel more positive about moving forward.


More positive, happier, less procrastinating and in the words of my son on Father’s Day 'new improved dadding.'


It has heightened and deepened my ability to make connections as never before between elements of my life experience and the abuse.


It has changed everything; my life is not the same, I came here as a broken man with no hope. Today I leave as a “Survivor” not a victim. My family life relationship and all is changing in a positive way.


I feel like I have legitimately started my road to recovery. Not as scared to talk about this. I am not broken.


Big load off my chest being able to talk. The group helped me understand about my experiences & their impact on my life. I am less angry, better at listening & being supportive.


Video: SAMSN guys' thoughts and feelings

You're not alone

Seven guys who have been supported by SAMSN reflect on their experience.

Interested in joining a group?

The Waitlists for SAMSN’s 2024 Eight-Week Support Groups are open.

The dates and locations are below.

To register your interest in attending a group, please complete the registration form below and one of our team will contact you with further information and discuss other support options available. You can also call directly on 1800 472 676.

Please note that registering does not guarantee you a spot in a particular group. We currently have waitlists for each group which may impact on when a spot becomes available. This will be discussed with you when one of the team contacts you.

SAMSN’s iPad library

Need help accessing our online groups?

SAMSN has iPads available for loan. If you would like to join one of the online Eight-Week Support Groups, you can borrow a SAMSN iPad to do this. SAMSN will set-up, prepare and post the iPad to you ready for use.

There is no charge, all you need is access to WiFi! And we’re here to assist if you require any help.

Locations for 2024

May 7 – June 25

NSW (Online)
May 7 – June 25

NSW (Online)
May 8 – June 26

July 30 – September 17

NSW (Online)
July 30 – September 17

July 31 – September 18

NSW (Online)
October 23 – December 11

NSW (Online)
October 22 – December 10

Register your interest in joining an Eight-Week Support Group

Please use this form to register your interest in joining an Eight-Week Support Group.

One of our Planned Support team will contact you within the next couple of business days to provide you with some more information about the groups, answer any questions you may have and discuss other support options available at SAMSN.

Please note that the current wait time to access the group program is approximately 6 months.

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